Sunday, February 17, 2013

Letters from Italy Part 5 (written in 2008)

Tennis Camp Is Over
Sunday May 4, 2008


Well, I am back in Florence until Tuesday morning, then it is on to Venice until Friday morning, then home to Charlotte.  It has been a wonderful trip thus far and I can't believe it is almost over. 

Let's see, I last wrote from Siena, which was a great hill town.  The next day (Friday), we went to a Terracotta place which makes Terracotta from the red clay soil.  They had some beautiful pieces, but most were too heavy to tote home and shipping would be several times the price of the item.  It was interesting to tour and see how they mold the clay. 

Each morning, we had breakfast at 8 and headed out to the tennis courts at 8:45.  The ride to courts was about 10 minutes and the view spectacular.  At the courts, we had clinic with Roberto and Angelo for about an hour and then played round robin doubles for another hour and a half.  The Chianti Tennis Club had red clay outside and 3 in bubbles, and then a court something like astroturf outside as well.  I played mostly with the Chicago Ladies.  The South Africans were far advanced...about 4.5's or 5.0's for you tennis gurus so we were no challenge for them.  I would say I fit in well with the Chicago group except I moved a little faster.  As I mentioned previously, all are retired and several are quite the world travelers.  They are inspiring me to want to get my house paid off so that I can have more adventures.

Chianti Country Club

Roberto, Angelo, and Kevin

Louise, Nicki, Janice, and Nancy

One of the ladies, Norma, is 77 and she still skis and scuba dives!  She is amazing.  Her husband passed away in January so this has been a hard trip for her.  They were married 57 years!  One of her good friends was giving the eulogy at Kevin's (her husband's) funeral and she had a stroke on the spot and died right there at the funeral.  Then Norma's brother died two weeks later. 

Several of the ladies are retired from teaching school; one is a retired attorney, and one a retired paralegal.  I tease them that if I don't get a job soon, after my trip to Florida I will go to Chicago and spend a week with each.  That should get me though the summer.  ha ha

Yesterday we went to San Gimignano, a wonderful hill town with lots of shops.  I wish we had more time to spend there.  It was very quaint with musicians and people dancing and as always, an interesting church or two.  Before I left Charlotte I took a 10-week trip planning class at Borders that was done by a young Italian Lady named Nada Virgili who was born in Florence and now lives in Charlotte.  Nada had interesting jewelry and when I asked about it, she said she bought it in San Gimignano.  So I set out to find the shop.  (The ladies from Chicago have figured out that I am the "shopper" and they joke that they are going to stick with me but somehow I always lose them as I move a little faster through the shops.  In Siena, I was the only one who found the Internet Cafe.)  Anyway, I thought I found the jewelry shop and I bought something but then later, I found the REAL one, so I had to buy more.  Aw-oh...The lady made me a pair of earrings to go with a necklace I picked out while I waited.  When I went to pay, I told her that I knew Nada and her eyes lit up, "NADA, SI!"!  That was the magic word...she gave me a discount!  :)

San Gimignano
Last night for our final meal together we ate at the villa in the special dining room.  It was lovely...a cascade of real flowers on the table, Silver candelabras (sp?), and a huge chandelier made from Murano glass.  We all fit at one long table.  The meal went on and on.  The lasagna was the best we ever had.  When we inquired about the recipe, Maria Luisa said it takes an entire day to make the sauce.  She made a decadent chocolate dessert of which I had leftovers for breakfast today. 

Murano Glass Chandelier

Glory and Norma

Best Chocolate Dessert I had in Italia!

We said our goodbyes this morning and all have gone separate ways.
Some of the ladies are going to Cinque Terre and some home.  Two are also in Florence and I hope to meet them and their husbands at the Uffizi Gallery later today.  I have reservations for 3:00--it is supposedly the best renaissance museum in the world and the lines sometime take 3 hours, but not so long if you make a reservation.

Back of Villa Il Leccio

I love lemon trees!

Barb, Nancy, Glory, Norma, MaryAnn, Joyce, Pat, Nicki, Cathie, Janice

I will be in Florence until Tuesday morning, then off to Venice.  The bed and breakfast here in Florence is very nice, except for the 48 stairs I had to lug my suitcases up!  I have free internet here and it is peaceful.



  1. I have two lemon trees in my back yard, to my surprise, we thought they were orange trees as I have NEVER seen Lemons this size and shape, we cleared all the fruit to allow the new blossoms to take over and lets see what the next season brings. Texas Lemons are much different than the Italian ones you are pictured with.

    1. Thank you for your comments. Have we met? How did you find my blog?
