Saturday, August 3, 2013

Who Do You Want To Be?

Last week in my Sunday School class, we were discussing how amazing it is that we often don’t know what God has waiting for us when we choose to obey Him.  It is usually far more than we would have asked for, but often very different from what we expect.

No Eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him.  I Cor 2:9

Often times, we think only of the pain or discomfort of sacrifice to our ego or our desire to please self.  We have no idea how good we will feel when we yield and obey.

A man in our class gave a beautifully simple and profound example of this in his life.  He announced that he will be receiving his 25-year sober chip from AA this week.  He said that when he first went to AA, he was in the habit of stealing.  He had no guilt or remorse about it.  His friends had talked to him about it, but he didn’t really want to change.  When he went to a convenience store, he would pay for one thing and steal another, i.e., pay for a soda and steal a candy bar.  He rationalized that the store was basically breaking even by his visit.  He was also in the habit of stealing all of his clothing.  He would go into a dressing room and put his clothes on over the clothes that he was stealing.

While going through the steps in AA, he decided to actually pay for his clothes for a change.  He said that when he went to pay at the register, he was able to look the clerk in the eye for the first time.  He received a receipt and a bag.  It felt good walking out of the store with the bag and the receipt!  He walked past a police officer and was able to relax and hold his head up.  He had no idea how good that would feel.

His sponsor asked him to make a list of all of the things he had stolen.  He made a very long list and felt that he was able to remember everything.  When he handed the list to his sponsor, he began to cry.  He said to his sponsor, “I don’t even know why I am crying.”  His sponsor replied, “You are crying because this isn’t Who You Want To Be.”

He didn’t steal after that.  He said he had no idea what he was missing by not doing the right thing. 

How many of us can identify with that?  What habits do we have that we want to change?  What behaviors do we exhibit that reflect a person who isn’t Who We Want To Be?  Maybe, just maybe, we have underestimated the rewards of self-denial.  Maybe we have yet to experience the benefits of change.

I have never regretted yielding any area of my life to God.  He always surprises me with more that I expect or deserve.  Sometimes when I ask for things, He says “No” or “Wait.”  Waiting is hard.  But taking matters in to my own hands in areas where He has said “wait” results in settling for less than He would have chosen for me.  He gives me a choice.  I am thankful for that, but I should know by now that His ways are better.  I do struggle, daily, with choices that are less than best for me in some areas of my life.  If  I didn’t, I guess I wouldn’t be so aware of my need for Him. 

Choosing God’s way…waiting when He says “wait” can be painful.  It tests my faith.  But you know else it does?  It smooths out the rough edges in my life.  It builds maturity.  It strengthens my resolve. 

Do people on their deathbeds ever wish they had given God less?  I doubt it.  Not if they are of sound mind.  What kind of legacy do I want to leave?

I am getting the same messages lately from different sources.  Have you ever noticed that happening?  I know that when that happens, God is trying to tell me something.  It is in my best interest to listen-up. 

My niece, Erin, babysits my dear friend Cheryl’s young daughter, Claire.  Last week, Claire asked Erin why she didn’t have a boyfriend.  Erin told her that she is waiting for God to bring her a boyfriend.  Claire didn’t seem satisfied with that answer.  Erin then asked her, “Have you ever asked for something and not gotten it?”  Claire perked up and said yes!  She wanted a motorized scooter badly but she got a bike instead.  However, she loves the bike even better that she'd have liked the scooter.  Erin took advantage of this teachable moment to explain that she is waiting for God to give her a “bicycle.”

Me, as well.  I’ve been waiting for a wonderful “bicycle” for a long time.  In fact, I have done everything I can think of in my power to get it but nothing has proved fruitful for me.  I have speed-dated, spent years in Christian singles groups, years in and also joined Eharmony.  I don’t regret those choices.  I gave it the old college try, so to speak, but I keep coming back to what I believe to be true, “ I have asked God for His best for me, and His best for me is to remain single or wait.” 

Once, when I was meeting a date for lunch, I was going through chemo for ovarian cancer.  As such, I had donned a wig, drawn on my eyebrows, and glued on false eyelashes.  It sounds awful, but I was feeling sassy in my wig and I looked kinda cute, if I do say so myself.  When I went to shake my date’s hand at the table, I felt something tickling my cheek.  I excused myself and went into the ladies room.  When I looked in the mirror, I saw one set of false eyelashes dangling down onto my cheekbone.  I had to rip the other set off as I did not have glue with me and I returned to the table eyelashless. 

With my Sassy Wig but no Eyelashes...

Claire must have heard me tell this story.  She told Erin, "Aunt Janice almost had a boyfriend once, but her eyelashes fell off."

I love that!  I will have to talk with Claire one day and explain that my eyelashes have little to do with why I do not have a boyfriend.  It does make for a good story, though, doesn't it?

During this process of waiting, I have also become more aware that there is no perfect “bicycle.”  Nor do I have perfection to offer.  My responsibility is to continue to grow in spiritual and emotional health, first to honor God and second to honor myself and others.  In doing so, I am more ready to receive whatever God has for me, even if that is remaining single.  It's not the fate-worse-than-death that I once thought it to be.  I love my life and it is good. 

Last Sunday was my final forty-something birthday.  I am frankly shocked to find myself facing 50.  Where did the time go?  All those things I heard from elders all my life are coming true…you truly wake up one day and time is rushing by.  Or it seems that way.

I take comfort in trusting God and I take comfort in the fact that I am still changing.  A couple of things happened over the weekend which were out of my control and not what I would have chosen.  Not big things, but things that I might have counted big at one time in my life.  I rolled with it all and enjoyed my birthday thoroughly.  Afterwards, I reflected and realized how much I have changed.  I am thankful that I do have choices in my life.  I am not a victim of circumstance.  I have choices over some circumstances and over some I do not, but I can always choose thankfulness and peace.  I can choose to enjoy my life.

I have thought about the story the man shared in Sunday School several times this week.  I have asked myself the question, “Is This Who I Want to Be?”  It has helped me to make some good decisions.  It has helped me to be aware that I am making decisions whether I realize it or not.  Some decisions are by default, and those are often not the best.  I'd like to be more intentional.

I want to be who God created me to be.  I am still figuring that out.  But I am getting closer. 

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.  Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.  Hebrews 12:11

Now unto Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!  Amen.  Ephesians 3:20-21


  1. Wonderful Post Janice- I read right away- Live your picture too- eyelash-free et all. Happy belated Birthday as well.
    I've done 50 - its not as bad as you imagine-
    Adrienne home from Asia and back up to UNC on Monday. House sold on Friday! We are homeless YEAH! Thanks for the memories you shared with us there.
    Lote os love, maureen

    1. Thanks, Maureen! And thanks for the memories. I remember the first Easter I spent there when Adrienne slept in the van from her ride home from church halfway through the meal. And I remember the Thanksgiving when you dressed like a Pilgrim and we walked the neighborhood after we ate. :) Wonderful memories. Let's visit soon...

  2. Try a different bike store, how about Christian Mingle! Always a great story. ..

    1. Ha Ha! I actually know someone who tried Christian Mingle and her experience was similar to mine on Match and EHarmony...but I will never say never...we'll see...
      Do I know you PATEXAN?

  3. Love your writing! The eyelash story actually made me laugh out loud, and at this time I am not doing much laughing. Knowing you has definitely made my life better! Thanks for being who you are!

    1. Oh, Eileen, knowing you has made my life better, too! I am so glad we are friends. Thanks for appreciating my stories.

  4. Thanks Janice. I needed that.
    I love you and am so thankful that I have known you long enough to appreciate how you have allowed God to "grow you up!" We've come a long way in 27 years!
    Love you so,

    1. We sure have, Kel. I am so glad we are friends. We need a girls weekend...:)

  5. DITTO and AMEN to all the above comments. Thank you for your faithfulness and transparency, again and again. Oh -and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Beautiful One! We must connect soon! (Message me and maybe we can set up a Boone "connect.")
