Saturday, February 28, 2015

Beyond the Walls

As mentioned in my last post, there is a hidden oasis behind cinder block walls on a dusty street in Pozorrubio...a welcome haven dedicated to God. Here, in the courtyard, is where fellowship and meals take place.  Standing in the photo below are Marilyn Antonio and Kim Burdick. 

Courtyard of Faith Fellowship Pozorrubio

Marilyn is retired from her secular job and works full time now in the service of the Lord.  She was invaluable to us in many ways...acting as translator, tour guide, friend, prayer warrior, and worker bee.  What a powerhouse of faith and kindness!  Thank you, Marilyn.

One will sometimes find Pastora Connie to the left of this area. When she is not preaching and caring for her congregation, or taking care of Eliza, she is tending her beautiful birds:

Birdhouses (see upper right corner) are made of hollowed Coconut shells

Connie is a skilled carpenter.  Her handiwork is evident throughout the sanctuary.  Notice the beautiful fabric draped from the ceiling and the backlit cross:

Beautiful arrangement in front 

Here, Pastora Connie instructs the young ladies in charge of the overhead for the song lyrics, just prior to our Sunday morning worship service:

We had much anticipation over this Sunday service, as it was our first "official" time to lead any ministry on this journey.  Our travel here was for more than the formal ministry times, though.  We were privileged to encourage church leaders like Pastora Connie, who labor diligently and faithfully with little earthly reward. There is great joy in her countenance.  If she were asked, I think she would confirm that there is nothing else that she would rather be doing.  I hope that our presence was a physical reminder that God sees her and loves her. She is making a difference in His kingdom.

See what I mean by joy?

We started with singing, just like back home.

Can you tell I am enjoying this?

The remainder of the service was hearing words of encouragement  and truth from Cherie, Marsha, and Tina.

Marsha (Go Roomie!)

As each woman spoke and there was a scripture to be read, Marilyn also read the scripture from her Bible in Tagalog (language most commonly spoken here):

Marilyn reading from the Bible in Tagalog

Charie, Marsha, and Tina shared eloquently from their experiences and God's word.  It was a lovely service.  As it concluded, nearly the whole congregation came forward to pray and express their desire to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. What a wonderful morning, followed by a meal in the courtyard and an afternoon women's retreat...

Pastora Connie and Kim speaking with friends

Sweet tasting Rice and Delicious Meat Dish

Beautiful Smiles

Cherie, Diann, and Sonja

Janice and Marilyn

The children were captivated by our youngest team members.  Impromptu dancing ensued after lunch:

Danya (left) and Amber

During the church service, several members of our team had separated with the children to teach, sing, and play games. 

We were welcomed here in Pozorrubio with anticipation, excitement and love. It is humbling to have people waiting for us, people we had never met. They are hungry for more of Jesus.  Such beautiful, generous, and kind people. And I think, in a way, just showing up reminds them that they are seen by God.  They have not been forgotten.  No one is forgotten.  

You are not forgotten.

13 She (Hagar)gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” 14 That is why the well was called Beer Lahai Roi; it is still there, between Kadesh and Bered.
(Genesis 16:13-14)

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