Wednesday, February 13, 2013

If you think you don't have a Valentine, Think Again...

Travelling Solo is not just about literal travel.  It is an expression of my life's journey as a single woman.  I have so much to share; some will be inspirational (I hope) and some will be funny.  All of it will be an honest reflection of me.  Read on...

I used to listen to the Christian radio station in the mornings while I got ready for work.  One February, they announced a Valentine Poem contest.  I remember exactly where I was standing when this poem came to the barthroom sink, blow-drying my hair.  I don't know why that is such a sacred spot for me but I have found that I hear God more than normal while I am standing at the sink blow-drying my hair--go figure!  He is pretty creative in the ways He captures my attention, so I go with it.  If I am fortunate to be listening, it is always worth it.  

I grabbed a pen and paper and basically wrote out the following poem in an instant, with just a few tweaks later.  I never did hear back from the radio station.  They selected 3 winners with typical romantic rhyming poems, some funny, some sweet.  But no mention of mine.  

So, I submitted my poem to Billy Graham's Decision Magazine.  They were still based in Minnesota at the time.  It wasn't very long before I heard back from an editor there who let me know that my poem would be featured with its own page in their February 2000 magazine.  And, the icing on the cake...I was paid by-the-word.  My very first paid writing accomplishment!  I still have a copy of the check.  

I should note that this poem was written before God sent me flowers.  See Happy Valentines Day Part 2 to read about it.  



  1. What a beautiful poem!
    Janice, you're such an amazing writer and speaker, and we're all so blessed by you.

    1. Thank you for your kind words today! Happy Valentine's Day to you!

    2. Happy Valentine's Day sweet bonus daughter. I love this poem and yes, I did read it before, but each time I find it more meaningful and beautiful. Thank you for sharing your talents and revealing yourself so that others might take heart from your spiritual strength. I love it that God lets you sleep and talks to you while blowing your hair and He wakes me up always between 3-3:30 am. Love you Janice

    3. Thank you Daisy "Bonus Mom" June! Happy Valentine's Day to you! Love you back.

  2. This really has touched me... Thank you for reminding me that even tho I don't have a partner, I am never alone !

    1. I am so glad you have been blessed by this. God gave this to my heart and I pray it will bless many. God's Deep Love to you...
